Montana Native Vote

Rebranding, Messaging, Voter Guide, Tabling and Promotional Materials, Landing Page, Website In-Progress

We worked with Montana Native Vote to translate MNV’s mission, vision, values, and goals into a public-facing rebranding campaign that resonates with a diverse audience. This new branding illustrates MNV’s mission of protecting the voting rights of Native Americans, increasing Native American civic engagement, and supporting Native People’s rights to political, economic, and cultural self-determination through a cohesive and comprehensive campaign.

Additionally, MNV’s new brand shows its commitment to developing and advocating for legislation, regulations, government programs and policies; dedication to proactive community outreach, engagement, voter education, and public policy advocacy; knowledge of issues, and what’s at stake in Indian Country; committed leadership; and the powerful strength of its supporters.

This new brand is designed for growth and development within the organization, across the country and launched at Pearl Jam’s Get Out the Vote benefit concert in Missoula. MNV recently expanded programming to North Dakota and was easily able to share its story cohesively and consistently.

Following the 2018 midterm election cycle, eleven Native Americans will serve in the Montana Legislature, three in the Senate and eight in the House. Montana is leading the nation as this is representative with Montana’s population (seven percent). Voter turnout in reservation communities reached historic levels, increasing from 40% in 2014 to 59%. Statewide voter turnout for the 2018 midterm elections reached 69%.